At The Dorrigo Butcher we source the best beef, lamb and pork grown in our region. We are confident you will find it some of the best meat available.

Our beef is sourced directly from the best farmers on the Dorrigo Plateau. It is all pasture raised on the lush paddocks surrounding Dorrigo. We mostly source Angus and Angus X Charolais cattle.
We are a whole beast butchery and break down the entire carcass, utilising every piece from the tongue to the tail. This means we can also custom cut any piece of meat you would like. We also make a range of smallgoods in our Smokehouse, including our award-winning Pastrami and Beef Jerky (which most recently won one Gold and two Silver medals in the Tasmanian Fine Food Awards 2023).

The Dorrigo Plateau is not known as sheep country but we have one grower of exceptional quality lamb on the Plateau – Demlane Farm. We source our lamb from Demlane Farm as much of the year as possible (7-9months). Demlane Farm produce a meat breed called Primeline crossed with the heritage breed Hampshire Down. The result is highly marbled, tender lamb that is some of the best available. When it’s outside of the Demlane lamb season we source from 100km west around Guyra NSW.

We source our pork directly from Mirrabooka Pork, 100km north of Dorrigo at Lawrence NSW. Mirrabooka Pork is a small, family owned farm that is certified free-range, and produces high quality pork from a range of heritage breeds. We also use Mirrabooka Pork for our award-winning woodsmoked ham and bacon.